Welcome to
Colour My World
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting the Colour My World Website.
Our Centre aims to provide high quality care to families, children and early childhood professionals who walk in and join our family.
Our service aims to capture a home away from home feel that has environments that we hope will enable children to connect home life to centre and centre to home. We want children to feel comfortable and respected each and every day they arrive to care.
Each day is a new conversation, a new journey, a new idea which will come from your children with the mentoring and educational insight from our qualified educators. Our mission is to make every effort to work in unison not only with your children but with you....being our families who have given us the gift of working with your world - your child.
The beautiful irony is, whilst doing our best to Colour the World of your child,
they are in fact colouring ours
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